The RA Hybrid Module

The hybrid panel with the best energetic performance

The hybrid panel with the best energetic performance

The RA Modules, patented and certified, are special hybrid photovoltaic and thermal panels together, unique in their function. With more than 30 years of research, after the achievement of international patents, this panels are now able to transform the solar energy in electricity and thermal power at the same time, achieving the maximum energy efficiency and a significant economic saving. In contrast to all other model of hybrid panel, the RA Modules are designed with a certified system composed by aluminium extrusion structured with air chambers, for the flow of a considerable amount of cooling fluid.

How do RA Hybrid Panels work?

To remedy the problem of the rapid cell’s deterioration caused by the overheating, the hybrid panel is equipped by a cooling system that stabilizes the monocrystalline temperature at the optimal level. The structure of RA hybrid panel is studied in order to generate a substantial increase of energy supply: the flowing liquid inside the aluminium extrusion permits to the photovoltaic cells on the surface of the panel to become cold, in this way they still have an optimal temperature constantly, improving the electrical performance up to 35% considering the standard panels. At the same time, the warmed-up liquid is used for several applications, such as the supply of hot water, the flooring heating, the increased of COP heat pump, and others. 1 Electrical kW = 3,75 Thermal kW In conclusion, the RA hybrid panel is distinguished by a superior electrical efficiency and, simultaneously, it supplies the triple of thermal energy.

Why the hybrid system is the best solution for household’s energy?

To be more clear and go straight to the point, we take in example a family composed by 4 person that choose to install an hybrid solar system on their roof. Just with the installation of a 6kW hybrid solar system, we obtain immediately more than 22,5 thermal kW, taking up a surface of just 27 sqm (standard systems have an average volume of 75 sqm for the same energy size). With only one system, and just one investment, it’s possible to have enough electricity to let work all daily electrical appliances (television, fridge, oven and others), in addition to a constant supply of thermal energy to satisfy the hot water daily requirement of all family (showers, washing-machine, sinks and others) and to empower the heating system. In conclusion, the new technology of RA Modules offers a high-efficient system that allows a payback on initial cost in just few years and a relevant economic advantage for the future. RA Hybrid Module – PAYBACK

Modular hybrid panels, several dimensions for all type of covering

Using the RA hybrid panels it’s possible to customize the system in the best and most suitable way: the range of size starts with a length of 195 cm for the 24 cells module, up to 300 cm for the 38 cells module. For this reason their application is really flexible, and it’s going to be easy to include them during the most difficult architectural design studies. Another exclusive benefits of the RA Panels is the possibility to use them for the realization of insulated self-supporting system: the modules are equipped by aluminium extrusion connected to each other watertight, a technical solution that, together with the ability of tempered glass to withstand high temperatures and heavy loads, guarantees full safety to become a real covering in hybrid solar panels. Finally, in addition to their considerable physical resistance, the tempered glass is treated in such a way as to be able to face even the highest humidity rates, the worst atmospheric conditions, UV radiation and salt corrosion. The RA hybrid panels are perfect for homes and buildings of any nature, residential or industrial, located near the sea or at highest altitude, in the heart of the city or in the most remote areas.

So why install a RA hybrid system?

Just because it is convenient since the first day. We can summarize every advantage linked the hybrid technology of the RA panel into 4 aspects:





The innovative hybrid technology of the panels allows a greater production of energy, as:

  • optimizes and extends the useful life of the cells
  • improves the production of thermal energy
  • does not require any additional maintenance

Taking in exam the same functions and energy power, a system built with RA hybrid panels reduces costs significantly, considering that:

  • the durability of the photovoltaic modules extends the operation of the entire system, postponing replacement caused by natural wear for several year;
  • savings also occur on the thermal side, with the production of hot water by accumulation or to heat large water tanks (such as swimming pools, irrigation tanks, water for livestock and crops or other);
  • the proven flexibility allows these modules to be adapted to any structural or architectural requirement;
  • the panels are patented and certified to accomplish the tax relief and current state incentives. click here

Finally, even the environment will have great benefit, with a reduction in the impact given by numerous aspects, namely:

  • space gain thanks the possibility of installing a single hybrid solar panel to obtain thermal and electrical benefits for your home;
  • natural summer cooling, because it reduces the temperature rise of the surfaces on which it is placed;
  • its perfect integration with domestic heating systems with lower polluting impact (heat pump, direct heating and similar solutions).

Infine, oltre al consumatore finale, a giovarne sarà anche l’ambiente, con una riduzione dell’impatto data da numerosi aspetti, ossia:

  • guadagno degli spazi vista la possibilità di installare un solo pannello solare ibrido per ottenere benefici termici oltre che elettrici per la propria abitazione.
  • raffrescamento naturale estivo, perchè riduce l’innalzamento della temperatura giornaliera delle superfici sopra le quali viene posto
  • possibilità di utilizzo ottimale di sistemi di riscaldamento domestico a minor impatto inquinante (pompa di calore, riscaldamento diretto e simili).


RA Hybrid Panel NOTES
Electric Energy + 35 % pannello-ra.section_6.table.stadard
Thermal Energy + 375 % pannello-ra.section_6.table.stadard
Innovative Technology Cell Cooling High-efficiency monocrystalline
Patented Profile Aluminum Self-supporting
Various Lengths From 190 to over 300 cm Perfect for every application
Certifications UNI EN ISO Solar KEYMARK
Production Made in Italy

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